Monday, February 13, 2006

First day at new school.

Started work today at Sydney Water. Quite nervous, as if I was starting at a new job really. Met lots of new faces and also totally forgot their names after introductions too. It all went as expected really lots of new health and safety documents to read and even more meetings about stuff that I don't have much input into yet. I will hopefully have some photos of the place tomorrow.

It's not the newest building on the block that's for sure, if you imagine an old hospital or insane asylum you will get an idea of some of the old building corridors. There's way too much security and fluorescent lighting and hardly any windows where we work. Even the cockroaches don't like it there as I saw one dead on it's back along the corridors.

We were told off at one point by the computer security team for our lax attitude in our temporary wireless network. They came round to our cubicles at the end of the day after having discovered our wireless network and easily hacking into it. I'm impressed that they spotted it immediately and tracked it down to our area. It must have made their day when their unsecured wireless security light went off.

We went out to a local Wagamamas to celebrate our first day at work. It finally rained here too! Much cooler this evening, almost cool enough to not consider wearing T-shirts.

I appear to be suffering quite badly from motion sickness these days. I think it's all the lifts that I have to take and I'm not used to it. I live on the eleventh floor in my hotel apartment and work on the fifth floor at Sydney Water. This is causing me to constantly feel as if I'm moving up and down all the time even when I'm perfectly still on solid ground. It doesn't feel good and makes me quite queasy.

Hopefully I'll get over it as my new apartment will be on the 7th floor! Talking of which I've been approved for my apartment application today and put down a weeks deposit for it today. I even had the estate agent from the 21st floor apartment call me today to try to reduce the price on that apartment so I could afford it. I've still decided to go for the first apartment that I saw last week though. The 21st floor apartment with the balcony and nice view would still be around £15 more expensive a week for rent.


Anonymous said...

Thought you'd be 'super fit' and use the stairs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fluroescent lighting and dead roaches? You could have gone to Swindown for that - you assured me that your office would be on the beach, under a palm tree surrounded by nubile surfer chicks - I feel cheated, quite frankly I feel dirty, although that has more to do with thinking about Swindon.

William Man said...

Finding the stairs in these building blocks is half the problem here. Everyone uses the lifts!

Anonymous said...

finding the stairs is a problem????
excuses excuses!
and seeing as it's so similar to swindon, i may as well not bother coming over- home from home or what!

William Man said...

Well I tried to walk down the stairs this morning in my hotel apartment. Got to the ground floor and the only exit was alarmed, so I had to walk back up to the first floor and use the lift to get down to the ground floor.

The world is still moving up and down all the time...Grr!