My internet connection in the hotel wasn't working last night so I've only just published last nights post and here is today's.

Went to the nearest Fitness First gym to the hotel this morning. It wasn't that big a gym seeing as it was in a mini shopping mall. And the receptionist wasn't the friendliest person in the world either. She was reluctant to show me around the gym and after saying that everything was as I saw it, I had to ask where the male changing rooms were because she didn't look like she was going to tell me. Anyhow, I had a reasonable work out, but after a week without any exercise and eating lots of rich food what could I expect. It'll take me a couple of sessions to get back up to speed.
The best thing though is that there is a Mooks clothes shop, Wagamamas and large book store in the same mini mall as this Fitness First.
This is my lunch today, sushi take-a-ways are two a penny around here and this shasumi and sushi lunch only cost me $14, which is about £5.50. Bargain or what, I fully intend to make as much use of all the sushi places in Sydney while I'm here.

Walked around china town after lunch and then wondered up to the central business district where the first apartment which I saw on Tuesday is located. This is a shot of the building from the outside. You can see where the old church ends and the new odd building starts. My apartment could be one of the ones around mid way up the block. I walked around the area to see what was about in terms of local shops and restaurants. Seeing as the place is just on the edge of the financial district, most shops consist of coffee houses and restaurants. The bulk of the shopping shops are only a ten minute walk away though so I can't complain.
I'm looking forward to moving into a place which I can properly call home. A nice as this hotel is, it's just not right to have someone come in the place on a daily basis to change the sheets and clean my own bathroom and kitchen. I'd much rather do these things myself, perverse I know.

There is also a Krispy Kreme coffee shop one hundred yards away from the apartment. I think this is a sign, all I have to do now is work out where the nearest Fitness First is and I can make one of my dreams come true. To be able to eat Krispy Kremes while working out on the machines at the gym!
Something else is that they really do show Neighbours on the TV over here! It is on more of a prime time viewing spot though.
Just don't ask about the current food for arms scandal with the Australian government and Iraq right now. I don't think the Americans like Australians right now.
Fitness First, Krispy Kreme, Wagamama and Sushi bars a go go. Was Sydney built just for you??? Or is Sydney populated with people just like you Will, scary!
Hi Will, what an excellent site. Mark and I were just saying what our blogs would be like... got up, went to work, went running, got knackered, creaked a bit, wrote some code, went home etc etc. Hope you find a place soon, I can appreciate how important a gym close by is, although I have to say I have no idea what Krispy Kreme is. At work Becky has transferred to your desk, the RS office is becoming rather morgue-like and they have tried to sit equi-distance apart from each other.
Davey, I really don't think Sydney siders are all like me. They are mostly almost perfect in appearance though. I'm guessing that this is more because of Sydney being a main city rather than being representative of Australia.
Also the climate is much too hot over here right now to be made for me. Always something to complain about eh?
Wiki, wait till I start work next week, then this blog will degenerate into the got up, went to the gym, wrote some code (maybe), went home sort of blog.
FYI, A Krispy Kreme is a heart attack inducing suger fuelled donut from America.
don't any of you try and compete with my location for a blog- london and wallingford would be high up in the glam stakes in comparison to the beautiful surroundings of swindon and it's beautiful population of chavs.....
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