Went for a walk around my dad's village today so my folks could show me the plots of land that have been passed onto me. This is one of the larger plots of land with my Dad in the photo. His mask is because he's just had a kidney transplant and needs the mask when outside to avoid any infections.

My mum and I went to the local market later on to buy some food for lunch and dinner. Now this is a proper fish and meat market with real stalls of fresh live seafood.
This is a secretly taken photo of a fish stall with cascading tanks of fish and shellfish. You can see a small crab trying to make a break for it in the middle. I'm not sure the UK environmental health would approve but at least you know your food is fresh and there is much more choice of seafood here which I absolutely love.

This is my cousin Stewarts house which is about a hundred yards down the well worn road from my folks place. Stewart's on the left and another friend who has the same chinese name as me is on the right. Stewart was born and brought up in the UK like me but he moved back to Hong Kong to work a few years back. He's married now with two kids, married to a chinese wife of course.
He has quite a nice large house with a large garden area as well with grass too, which you don't see very often in Hong Kong.

Later on in the evening a few of my aunties got together to play some mah jong. It's a four player game with engraved tiles. It's a gambling game too so I wouldn't play against these four unless you wanted to loose the shirt off your back.
I did play one round with them and also managed to win, but I suspected I was just plain lucky.
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