As you can see it really does look like a hospital or mental asylum. The worst thing are the echoes around the corridors. I'm wearing hard smart shoes and they echo around the floor so much that you can hear me walking from the other end of the building.
Sometimes I feel as if I'm in some horror film and something horrific is going to happen. Then I realise that I'm in the one horror building in Sydney and something horrific is about to happen.

Decided to stay in this evening and not go out for food yet again. After going out for food for almost nine days in a row I've had enough of eating out for now and really needed a break from it. Sometimes you really can have enough of a good thing.
It's a lovely art deco building. OK it resembles a public lavatory but think of the history!
So... how long til you re-name it "Arkham" for your blog?!!
The nameless thing that lurks in the walls is far older than that eldritch witch-cursed town in New England, and has fed on human flesh since the first aboriginals set foot on the continent.
Remember the twins on their tricyles in the Shining......
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