Sunday, January 22, 2006

One Week Before Leaving the UK for Hong Kong then Sydney.

With only one week to go it's quite exciting and also quite sad at the same time.

Went out to the cinema for the last time last night to see Match Point. Can't really recommend it as a must see film, even with Scarlett Johanssen in a wet T shirt!

Finally packed the shipping crate (read cardboard box) for stuff to be shipped out separately with my snowboard. While thinking things like, what would happen if this stuff fell out of the plane and be lost forever. Somehow I doubt I'll see my stuff appearing on the TV series Lost! Well I supose the only thing that I would really miss would be the snowboard boots and my inline skates. Everything else is easily replacable. We've been asked to evaluate the cost of the items for insurance in destination costs. God knows how much some of it would cost to replace in Sydney.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, inline skates and snowboard boots for sure. You're a 15 stone couch potato with a fear of excitement. Why not be truthful and mention the sega, x-box and nintendo games consoles.

Anonymous said...

Love the blog Will.. still gutted that you didn't say bye = :(

You will be needing the squash racket... I'm going to give you a thrashing when you get back!

William Man said...

I'm sorry too that I didn't get to see you before I left Claire. It'll only end in tears anyhow.

You'll just have to find some excuse to come out to Sydney to visit me. Some of my relatives in Hong Kong are already booking time off to come out to see me in Sydney. At the last count there were around six of them who were going to visit later on in the year.

Please don't mention the private thrashing with the squash racquet online as this is a public forum Claire.