There are a couple of images of my wounds later on, so you have been warned.
Susan, Ben and I went out on another cycle ride around the Wallingford area today after work. We started off at a bike shop in Pangbourne and then cycled towards Whitchurch-on-Thames, where we were last week.
Here's Susan smiling for the camera in a forest trail that we were riding.
We went off the track once down a slight hill to try to get back to the bridleway that we wanted to be on. Unfortunately it ended up in a dead end so we had to walk back up.
Within the same forest we also found a small enclosure with some huts and what appeared to be an electrified wire and wire fence around it. It was a very strange set-up in the woods and looked like something you'd find in a horror film. I should have taken a picture of it because it was a bit spooky. I wonder what it is used for?
After getting very lost at one point (how lost can one get in a small area?), we eventually came across a fantastic view over Goring. It really was quite a breathtaking view over the small village on a warm spring evening.
We were all quite happy and cycling along the bridle path along the river when we came across some steep steps down into a dip. Ben went first and managed to negotiate them, he later said that he was very close to coming off his bike at the bottom of the steps.
I went next and after three steps went straight over my handlebars and landed on my right shoulder and side. I remember everything stopping for a split second as I went over the bike and the next thing I was landing on my right side and trying to cross my arms. Fortunately I instinctively managed to cross my arms so just rolled a few times down a step without breaking anything. The biggest problem, other than the steep drops, was that I was going too slowly. I knew that I was going too slowly when coming down, but at the time didn't want to go any faster as well. The next time I'll have to tackle the steps at a faster pace.
Susan took this from the bottom of the dip.
After the fall I eventually walked out of the dip, there were some equally steep steps on the other side, which were quite painful to climb up with my bike as well. At the top I decided to get on my bike and try to cycle on. We were already heading back, as it was around 8.30 by now. Fortunately it was only a few miles to the cars and none of them were uphill miles.
We stopped at a pub for the usual drinks and evening meal. It was a really nice meal, walking back to the car after sitting down for an hour wasn't so good. I think I more limped back rather than walked. :-o
I managed to drive back to Bristol and got home around 11.30. On the positive side (the cup is always half full for me), the pain in my leg really helped keep me awake for the drive home.
This is my leg injury, it hurts more than it looks as I think it's quite badly bruised on the muscle. Hopefully nothing is fractured on the bone, I'll have to wait and see how it feels in a few days time.
My right arm was also badly grazed, but what surprised me were the wounds on my right shoulder. I guess I must have landed on it harder than I thought.

It was still a really fun ride, and after I've got over the injuries I'm sure I'll look back on it with very fond memories. The most annoying thing for me right now is that I can't go to the gym tomorrow morning. :-(
Can't wait for next weeks adventure, I think a weekend at home resting will do me some good for now. :-)
Sympathy levels computed....
Yer gret big nancy boy puff.
Those are just wee scratches.
You should be a Premiership footballer, you have all the qualities!
Big :)
screw you davey
will's my cycling hero.
nah - davey's right, he's a great big nancy boy.
they weren't cuts.. hell, they weren't even bleeding!!!
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