Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Parents leaving and the work allotment.

Just over a week ago my folks had to go back to Hong Kong. It's difficult to believe that they had been over here for five weeks already.

On their last night here my mum made one of my favourite meals. Lobster with ginger, spring onions and noodles. It was a great meal and everyone enjoyed it.

In this photo you can see Aran, Eric (a friend of my parents who used to run the 'other' take away business in Alton) and Nanette (Aran's mum).

Here's Elise showing me her tiger mask that she made at school with a friend. It was very impressive.

It was very sad to have to say goodbye to my parents. I'm not sure when I'll get to see them next, possibly much later on this year, or more likely sometime next year.

At work we have been given some space on the manor house grounds for an allotment. Claire, Richard Bridge and Simon have been working on it the most, with occasional contributions from other people within the company.

It's coming along quite well and some of the vegetables really are growing. The proof will be in the tasting, but it should be good to get some produce from it.

Here's Emily, Richard Bridge and Richard Body around the pond, which has some frogspawn!

This is Susan and Ian, and you can see the vegetables in the background. The rhubarb is on the right. Actually quite a few more vegetables can be seen now that the sun has finally come out.

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