Friday, June 20, 2008

On the high seas.

Seeing as my ankle still isn't good enough to cycle or work out properly on, Wiki suggested that it would be an ideal time to try some kayaking and canoeing.

On Thursday after work I went with Wiki to her canoe club in Reading. Here's Wiki coming in after doing her time trial.
The conditions weren't exactly perfect to be out on the water. Quite a few of the people in the canoe club said that the strong winds weren't very good for canoeing and even worse for a beginner like me to start out on. Needless to say I was a little nervous and this really didn't help my confidence!

After a shaky start I soon took it it and I really started to enjoy myself. I think my own tenseness didn't help at the beginning, but as I relaxed and got used to it I started to get much better. On my first go on the river I did bump the front of the kayak on the side bank a few times. Fortunately it's quite strong on the front and no one noticed.

Here I am just paddling by Wiki with my phone camera. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my proper camera along for the day.
After Wiki finished the half hour time trial we both went out in a Canadian two-man canoe. It was really good to get out on a much more stable boat and paddle up and down the river together.

We then had a quick go on an indoor paddling machine which is specially made for improving your paddling technique. It was quite good as you didn't have to worry about balancing the kayak and could concentrate on your paddling motion instead.

I then went out for a second time on my own in the kayak while Wiki watched on as she was tired from the time trial and the Canadian paddling. I almost rolled over at one point, when I was trying hard to turn the kayak around I lent into the bend and started to tip to one side. Fortunately I managed to balance myself again and didn't fall in!

I really enjoyed my time out on the river and would really like to do some more. It was quite good exercise for my upper body and an ideal complement to all the cycling that I do.

Here I am just coming in after my second go in the kayak. Can you see how tightly I'm gripping onto the riverbank?
As usual for me, I managed to cut myself on my right knee while getting out of the kayak. Well it wouldn't be the same if I didn't have some sort of injury.

I can't wait to get a chance to get out in a kayak again. It's something else to have fun doing and to get some exercise!

Lola's been getting braver and braver around my house now. She quite happily wonders around the ground floor now as long as I leave the doors open for her. Here she is working on her tan in my back garden.

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