Friday, May 30, 2008

Gammy Leg!

I've had a few issues with my right leg since falling off my bike last week.

I was hoping that it would heal quite quickly after a few days rest but unfortunately not. I did visit the gym last Tuesday for a shorter than normal work out. I didn't do much running or any rowing, but I did everything else that I would normally do there. My leg felt generally fine at the time but I didn't push it too hard.

However, after going into work on Thursday it was hurting quite a bit all day. When I got back home I noticed that it had swollen up quite a bit and also turned a shade of grey! There was also a dark bruise that wasn't there before either.

I decided to take a visit to A&E after some dinner because I knew how long a wait there can be. A doctor eventually saw me and her diagnosis was that my leg wasn't broken or fractured in any way. The reason it was swollen was that I hadn't rested it properly in the past week. Oops! I think that everything I did was opposite to everything I should have done with it. I would have laughed but the doctor was quite serious at the time.

I was told to rest it for the next week or so and to also try to keep it above my heart so that the swelling would go down. The reason it was still hurting was also because I didn't rest it properly. When I spoke to Allen about it he was very surprised that they didn't take an x-ray of it just in case there was a small fracture on the bone, then again there's the NHS for you, trying to save money all the time!

Here's my leg while I'm working from home. It is a bit awkward to try to work while having my leg propped up and I'm sure health and safety would have a fit if they saw me working like this! I'm at an angle to my monitor, slouched on my work chair and with one leg on another chair! Thankfully I can take regular breaks while working at home.

It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to do any exercise till my leg heals properly. This won't be for at least another week or two. It's going to be a difficult week for me!

The allotment at work is coming along quite well. There have been signs of the long lost tadpoles in the pond. Some of them also have sprouted small legs too! In the foreground are potato plants, behind them some rhubarb and onions after that. There are also green beans, tomatoes and lettuces in the allotment, as well as other vegetables.

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