Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Safari Time!

My parents, sister and two nieces are visiting me for a few days in Bristol. It does mean that I have a very full house but it makes a welcome change for a while.

Here the two worst offenders are in my house, one distracting me while the other stuffs 'surprises' down the side of the sofa for me to find later on.
The little terrors are taking over my house, leaving a mess wherever they go. It's even worse at dinnertime when all the rice that doesn't make it into their mouth goes on the floor. I think I'll be cleaning up after them in the weeks to come.

They're taking over my car too!
No doubt putting dirty shoes on the seats and half chewed sweets under the seats.

We went to Longleat Safari park on Tuesday. I was wise enough not to visit the monkey enclosure. Even without a car aerial there's still plenty of room for them to scratch the car and take bites out of it.

A very strangely named Bongo! I thought Elise was making it up initially but they are called that.

A close up of one of the cool rhinos that they had in the park.

There were also some deer in the park which if you wanted to you could buy a cup of food for them to feed from your car. You can see one of the deer making a secret drugs score in the background.

When we got to the tigers and lions they were all lying down. It was quite warm in the midday sun so they all looked like they were playing dead. A word of advice, unless you have air con in your car don't visit the park in a warm summer.

Overall I wouldn't really rate it as an experience to remember. It was quite expensive per person and didn't feel right to see the animals from inside your car. I'm sure it must have been a good revolutionary idea to see animals in their natural habitat (the UK!) from your car. I think visiting a large zoo is much better really.

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