Thursday, November 06, 2008

Gridiron time in Wembley again!

Has it really been a year already since I was last at Wembley watching the American football?

After getting back from Barcelona, the following weekend was the annual Wembley NFL American football game. I met up with Phil and Dave in Milton Keynes, and was to meet Jason later on on Sunday at the stadium ground.

On Saturday morning I took the opportunity to get some exercise, since it had been a week since I had a decent work out. I had also been on holiday for a week, a sure way to put on some extra weight.

I decided to go for a short two hour bike ride around Milton Keynes at Phil's place.

Some nice steps that I decided not to ride down! They started off quite steep but levelled off towards the end.

I had a very pleasant ride around the Milton Keynes countryside. Initially I wasn't too lost, but after an hour I managed to get very lost as to where I was. I started out cycling around some roundabouts in Milton Keynes and the next thing I knew I was out in the countryside beside a canal. It was all very pleasant for a Saturday morning. I saw lots of dog walkers and joggers along the way.

The canal as it crosses over an aqueduct.

I cycled a few miles out to Cosgrove and back, most of the time taking turns whenever I thought the route looked more interesting than the path that I was following. I saw lots of narrow boats along the canal and while they looked interesting I wouldn't really ever want to live on one.

The canal turned out to be the Grand Union Canal that runs from Birmingham to London!

Once I got back from the ride my back was literally killing me. It hurt a little on the ride, and had been hurting over the past week while walking in Barcelona. However it wasn't until after my cycle ride that it really started to ache. I could barely sit down properly or stand up straight for the next couple of days!

On Sunday we made our way to the American football game at Wembley. In a case of last minute changes to plans, Phil managed to get 'mates rates' for a very nice Corus hotel beside the northern end of Hyde Park. We (Phil, Dave and I) had a double room each for a very cheap price in the centre of London. I even had a nice view of Hyde Park from my room.

Our seats this time in the stadium weren't as good as last year, as we were more in the far end seats towards the corner of the stadium. Still we had a good enough view of the cheerleaders last year, so this year it was time to actually concentrate on the game.

The two teams playing were the New Orleans Saints versus the San Diego Chargers. The Saints were going to be the home team so their cheerleaders appeared and we were all encouraged to support them as the home team.

Drew Brees making a pass while under pressure from the San Diego offence.

To be honest I wasn't really that bothered about the game this time around as both teams weren't that interesting to me. However the game turned out to be a very good high scoring one.

The usual suspects, Phil, Dave and Jason.

Well I had to take some photos of some cheerleaders with my camera.

The final score for the game was 37-32 to the Saints. We even managed to see a few touchdowns at our end of the field. It really did come down to the last minute of the game before the final winner was decided. The Chargers could have won the game on a last play hail mary lob into the end zone too.

A fat Burt Reynolds look alike being molested by the Saints mascot.

Video footage of one of the touchdowns. As it turned out this was the game decider.

On our way out of the stadium it was the usual long wait for the crowd to move though the nearest tube station. On the way were a few mounted policemen. As I approached one of the horses, it decided that it would take a nibble out of me! I guess I looked quite tasty to the horse and I think I should change my choice of deodorant.

The lovely horse that slobberer and took a nibble on my waterproof coat.

After the game Dave, Phil and I took a detour into London's Chinatown to have a late supper. We went to one of my favourite cheaper restaurants. I ordered some roast duck, salted pork, black bean eel and Chinese vegetables for us. The food was really good and it really reminded me of some of my mum's cooking. Very very tasty.

Once we got back to the hotel it had gone eleven, but none of us wanted to turn in quite yet. We spent the rest of the evening drinking and chatting at the hotel bar till gone one.

It was really good to meet up with my University mates once again, and a fun time was had by all, as per usual.

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