Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Body Worlds to Wii Fit.

Last weekend I went to the Body Worlds exhibition in Manchester. It's an exhibit of Gunther von Hagen's work of plastination of the human body.

The exhibition is rather surreal especially when you think that you're actually looking at human cadavers in various poses. It was fascinating to see the cadavers and what the human body looks like under the skin.

One of the exhibits in a glass case. The body is put into a pose where they are looking though a telescsope.

Some of the cadavers were behind glass cases but others were in the open. You couldn't actually touch any of the exhibits, but you could get really close to them. I was expecting the process to show the bodies with a plastic sheen on them but in fact they looked very matted.

They were in various poses so you could see how the muscles contract in the body. There were also plenty of exhibits of the organs of the human body as well. The only bits that I found a little disturbing were the exhibits of the human foetus's and one picture of an exhibit of a woman who committed suicide while being heavily pregnant.

Some of the exhibits had the human body split up, for example one had the spine and connected brain pulled away from the front of the body while the back of the body was further pulled backwards.

I quite enjoyed the exhibition, but it isn't for the faint hearted as some of the body parts aren't exactly pretty.

On Sunday I was around Dave and Anne's place to play on their Wii Fit. It was quite funny to watch other people play on it and even funnier when Dave and I had a go at the hula hooping game.

I can see the appeal of the add on for the Wii but as an exercise device I don't think it's any good. Lots of fun when friends are around or for watching your relatives make a fool of themselves.

Here's Dave having a go at hula hooping.

Here I am trying the same game! What a great hip action.

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