Once I got to the front of the queue there was a problem with one of the pumps on the forecourt and the assistant on the till to my right had to go and help the guy out. The guy who had just got to the front when the attendant moved away from the till asked "What the f*&k are you doing"! The assistant then said he had to help out someone at the pump. Then the abusive man said "No, stop and serve me, I'm a customer". The assistant then apologised and said that he had to help the other man as he was having problems first and was a customer as well. The abusive man then called the assistant a "f*&!ing as#%ole".
Nothing more came of this except for me being quite annoyed. One because there are people like this in our society and in my opinion they shouldn't be given the time of day. Two, at the fact that no one else in the queue behind me did anything about it. There were two people at the till getting abuse and everyone else just turned a blind eye to it. I'm sure if it had come to a fight they would all have run away and not want to get involved. What's wrong with this country when no one will stand up to idiots who think that they can get their way by bullying other people? Grr!!! I think I should do what Lola does and just hide in my bed.
After a few seconds the cables started to smoke! I got out of my car and so did Allen, he then realised that he had connected the cables the wrong way around! The cables then started to smoke quite a lot and also melt. I quickly gave Allen my top to pull the cables off the batteries. They were much to hot to touch and fortunately he managed to remove them with my top wrapped around his hands.
Unfortunately my top had melted plastic on it and was ruined. The cars still worked fine after all this but I doubt it was any good for my car battery, which was brand new from a few months ago. A valuable lesson learnt, by the both of us.
I still owe you a new jumper.
I'm sure I'll live without it.
Besides it gave me a perfect excuse to get a new one and I believe my sister has a lovely Christmas one lined up for me too.
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