I cleaned my car and packed my bike on the back of it. I decided to do a Cleeve Hill route which in the cycle route book that I had described it as a moderate grade.
The start of the route had quite a big steep climb up a wide path and single-track road and it was quite difficult for me. I had to stop a few times because I just ran out of puff. I did carry on walking, determined to make it up to the top without stopping.
Once I had made it to the top of the climb there was an off route path which where the fun really started. You can see the condition of the track in this first photo. It was really deep in mud in some points and it was quite obvious that a tractor had driven trough it. I had to cycle though the tractor tyre trails. The problem was that they were very deep in some points and I couldn't peddle as well as concentrate on staying in the very narrow tracks. Consequently I had to stop a few times and put my feet down. This meant stepping into the very soft and deep mud!
Later on the forest trail turned into a long downhill section. The trail was about a car width wide and quite steep in parts. I took the really steep sections a little more slowly but by the time I got to the bottom I had a massive smile on my face. I was covered in mud splashes all over and my bike the same but I had a really good time.
At the bottom I was back on the main road and got quite lost around the area. The trail that I was following in the book wasn't that helpful and there weren't any road signs. I did manage eventually to get back onto the path and follow another forest trail. Again I did have to stop a few times, I guess I really need to get much fitter as at times I was quite out of breath and my legs were really aching.
This is where I parked my car to do this ride and here it is with my muddy bike perched on the back. I didn't think that I would get that muddy so forgot to bring something to clean myself off before getting back into my car. I had to ask at a local house for a plastic bag to put my shoes into! :-)
Yeah great, but suprised you didn't mention what happened the day before on the field of battle :)
Aah, the blog continuues... It's actually a handy way to see your dirty photos! (as in muddy of course.) So did you drive your S2000 home in your socks then?
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