I didn't quite make it to Bondi beach. I saw the beach from the top of a hill but really didn't want to have to cycle back up the hill today so decided to save it for another day. On my way back from the beach I did come across a lovely small monument to Australians that had died in WWII, the Korean wars and Vietnam. It was in a small park just off the main road and I stopped to take a rest. I guess the Aussies just can't stay out of a brawl wherever it's going on in the world.
On my way back there was quite a bit of traffic on the main roads. I had quite a lot of fun cycling through the stationary traffic. It was quite exciting passing cars and having to look out for cars pulling out from the left and right. At one point I was in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic because the right two lanes turned right. A big 4x4 passed me by on my left and clipped me on my shoulder with his drivers side wing mirror!
I couldn't believe it, he must have seen me and known he had clipped me but he didn't stop at all. I was quite shocked at being hit and more annoyed than anything else as no damage had been done. I suppose it could have been much worse and I was lucky to get away with just being clipped.
Bloody 4x4s, you should have overtaken him and kicked his wing, thats what I do. I've only been caught twice following these incidents and the bruises eventually heal.
this is why I carry my 'craft knife'- I just love to tyre slash....
Thanks, I'll take on your advice of tyre slashing and kicking in car wings.
I'm sure the bruises will heal eventually, but how will I replace my bike when the said 4x4 owner also drives over my bike after kicking in his car?
I hope nobody with a lobotomised sense of humor reads this, or someone might find the police calling round asking awkward questions.
Fortunately I think the police in Sidney are fairly civilised, and I've never heard of them holding an innocent man down and shooting him five times in the head. Of course, this time last year I'd have said the same thing about some other country...
life's just no damn fun anymore....
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