My car wasn't as happy in the garage though. It started fine but when I drove it down the drive and back it was making a loud clunking noise from the rear. I suspect it was the rear disc brakes not working properly but it was difficult to tell. A good trip down to the Honda monkeys is in order when I get back next year.
Finally got to start my holiday on Friday afternoon after a half day at work. I went straight up to Manchester to see my mate Dave and his family. All was well with him and after meeting up with Andrea on Saturday we all went to the Manchester War Museum! Where else would you rather be on a Saturday afternoon? The building for the museum is fantastic and this is one unusual shot of one side of it. I heartily recommend a trip there to anyone who has some free time in Manchester.

On Sunday afternoon we all went to see Flight 93 the film about the doomed flight on 9/11. It was a very good film if quite intense as well. I couldn't recommend it as a good film to go and see for a good time, but can recommend it as a film that should be seen.
From Sunday to Thursday I finally had some time to relax properly with some time in the Lake District. I had a really good time there and took some great photos of the place. If you ever want to get away from city/suburban life then get out there as it's quite easy to get away from anyone and anything there.

The last three pictures here are ones that I took from the area. The first two are on the only day where it was quite sunny for the first half of the day, while the rainbow in the third picture shows how changeable the weather was as it was sunny one minute and then poured down for the next few hours!

There were a couple of Tornado fighter/bombers flying around and though the hills of the Lakes when we were on one walk too. They made an amazing sound passing past us at almost eye level! Unfortunately I wasn't quite quick enough with the camera to take a shot of them flying by.
1 comment:
It is possible to be above the Tornados if you are on a hillside and they are terrain following down a valley into one of the lakes!
I had a very bad experience when taken by suprise by the RAF whilst visiting Coniston, almost ended up in Coniston Water.
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