The Kylie exhibition was quite entertaining, there were most of her clothes that she wore on various famous tours and album covers. The photos of Kylie were also quite good and it was amazing to see how small her clothes were. I remember Steve telling me that she's very small when he saw her at the BBC.
There were her infamous golden 50p hot pants and also the white outfit that she wore on "Can't get you out of my head" which needed to be held together with double sided tape.

I really wanted to take some pictures (even more so when I was told I couldn't) I had to take a couple from my hip when both guards weren't looking. The photos didn't come out very well but you can get an idea as to what the clothes looked like on display.
Sorry Davey, but there weren't any pairs of her knickers on show, well not that I could see anyhow. The golden hot pants were also in a glass box so I didn't have a chance at getting hold of them.
The other displays at the Powerhouse Museum were mainly design and engineering displays with an emphasis on playing around with the engineering exhibits to see how they work.
The place would be quite good for kids and people who like to find out how stuff works. I enjoyed a lot of the exhibits and some like the glass blowing and design awards that Australia has won were really good.

There was even the original Robbie the Robot from the TV series Lost In Space!
The receptionist said that it would take at least three visits to see everything and read everything at the museum and from what I saw over the four hours that I was there I can well believe it. I only saw three quarters of the museum.
On Saturday I arranged an appointment with a gym instructor at the local Fitness First gym. His name is Quentin and he showed me some new weight exercises to work out my upper body. I figured that I could do with some variation in my routine to stop me getting into a rut.
I obviously didn't realise how much of a rut that I had got into in my exercise routine. The exercises that I did with Quentin on Saturday were quite good and I felt good after the work out. However on Sunday morning I went to the gym again to do my usual routine and do some of the new exercises as well. My usual work out was quite tough going and by Sunday evening I was aching quite a lot on my arms. So much so that I could barely stretch them out!
I wasn't planning on doing any more with Quentin apart from his first free session, but I've decided to pay him for one Saturday morning session a week for at least one month to see how I get on. With any luck I'll get more used to the different exercise and my arms will stop aching after consecutive workout days!
Re Quentin who you met at the gym. One word - GAY.
Just come back from the Fitness Fiesta, and my legs are really aching. Glad I'm not the only one in pain ;-)
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