Last weekend I went to Llanwrtyd Wells with Leslie and Steve to get in a couple of days mountain biking. We set off on Friday night to make sure that we got a full days cycling on Saturday. We planned to stay at the Neuadd Arms which is right in the very centre of Llanwrtyd Wells.
I was quite pleased to be able to fit all three bikes and three people with luggage into my car. It was a tight squeeze but it all did fit, even if I couldn't see out the back of my car.
On Saturday morning we set off at around 10 am on the Esgair Dafydd off-road circuit route, which started and finished in Llanwrtyd Wells and according to the guide should only take 3-4 hours and go for 26km. With Leslie and Steve being beginner bikers and also my ability to get lost I figured it would take the better part of six to seven hours, i.e. a full day to complete.
Initially there was a very steep climb up some rocky single track, which was quickly followed by a tricky descent over a similar rocky track. Then we encountered the first of three fords, which we would have to cross during the day.
I went first and as I cycled across the ford my bike started to get deeper and deeper into the water till I could cycle no more and half my bike was in the water! I had to put a foot down and dismount from my bike to walk the rest of the way.
Leslie and Steve didn't do much better, unfortunately Leslie put more than a foot in the river as well.
After this we had some great downhill single track, which was a little muddy as well and slippery on the grass too. In fact most of the ride all day was quite muddy and wet thanks to plenty of short showers throughout the day.
Next we had a fantastic (for me) 2km climb up the side of a hill. I started out cycling up to see how far I could get, but at about 3/4 of the way up I decided not to stop and continue till I got to the top. I was very pleased to be able to make it to the top without stopping, however it was quite a level stone track and none of it very steep either. It probably took me around twenty minutes to get to the top.
Leslie and Steve however took a little longer as they had to walk up most of the track. Once we got to the top there was an immediate rapid descent down the other side which was just as much fun!
Once we got to the bottom there was a great view in between the hills. We all had to stop to admire the view and marvel at the fact that we couldn't hear anything else but each other and the sounds of birds, sheep and the stream that we followed.
We eventually had to cross another ford of which neither of us was successful in crossing without putting a foot down.
By this time it was getting close to lunch and we saw an abandoned farm by the river. The farm was on the other side of the river, there was a narrow bridge that we could have walked over or there was another ford to try to cross as well! Leslie went first and put the usual foot down, then I went and you can see my effort here:
Steve decided not to get wet feet again and walked across the bridge instead. Of course the only reason he did this was to protect my camera from the water.
We decided to stop here for lunch. It did hail a little bit while we were sheltered under some trees and eating our packed lunches! Lucky for us that we arranged packed lunches or we would have to rely on my hunting skills and would end up with cold nettle soup.
After lunch we did manage to get a little lost, as the directions weren't very clear. We had to cycle down a very steep rocky track and then realise we couldn't cross the river and cycle, read walk back up the steep track.
Eventually we found the correct path again after asking for some directions from a local farmer with a home counties accent. Are there any welsh farmers out here?

Now we had another long steady climb up to the top of another hill. Although this climb wasn't as high as the first one it did feel worse as we were all a little tired.
The effort was worth it though as there were some fantastic views from the top.
Here's Steve sitting down near the top of the hill where we decided to stop for a water break.
You can get an idea of how steep the drop was by the trees on the side, which were pointing directly upwards.

We stopped here for a while to admire the view and we also saw a red kite flying around the trees as well.
We were all agreed that even though our legs ached from either walking for cycling up here, the view was fantastic and worth the effort.

Here you can see the view directly down the steep hill onto the river that we were mostly following.
The hill kept going up and up around each bend. At one point you could see what you thought was the top of the hill till you came around the bend only to find out that the hill went even further up. I still felt quite energetic by the time we reached the top of the hill but Steve and Leslie were flagging a little bit.
Eventually we ended up climbing to the top of Esgair Dafydd forest at around 500m from sea level according to my OS map.

Here I am near the top of the hill enjoying a break while waiting for Leslie to catch up.
We all finally made it to the top and then came down the other side of the hill.
It was an exhilarating descent down the other side. Probably about a 1km descent zig zagging down a wide track. I got up to some hairy speeds but enjoyed it all and had a big smile on my face by the time we reached the main road at the bottom.
Finally there was a 4km ride back on tarmac roads, we all got to ride even faster because of the smooth downhill surface. Everyone enjoyed the days riding despite some tired legs.

Sunday's cycle started a little later and unfortunately staying in bed got the better of Leslie so she didn’t come out.
Steve did make it out with me though. We decided to do half a days riding today so we could get back home in plenty of time.
We only did a short blue run near the bike lodge from the Real Ale Wobble. I knew the run as I had done it before the last time I was here. Initially there was a 6 mile cycle along tarmac to the cycling lodge.
Then there was another great ascent up the hill to the top. I didn't think that I was going to ride it all because legs felt a little tired, but ended up doing it all anyhow. I always 'lie' to myself when trying to do something that will really push me. I tell myself that once I'm around the next bend I'll stop. Then once I get there I convince myself to go around the next bend and so on, till I reach the top! A little crazy I know, but it works for me.
Once we were at the top we had a fun descent down the side of the hill on a very muddy and watery single track though the forest trees. We both ended up covered in mud but with big smiles on our faces.
Here's Steve coming down the track slippering and sliding on the mud:
I had yet another great weekend cycling out in Llanwrtyd Wells. I'd love to take some more of my friends out there and sample some more of the routes over the summer.